Some topics
Support and assistance
Support - How to make a ticket ? Support - First connexion Support - Home screen & menus Support - View a request Support - Responding to a request Support -...
Search module
A search module is available at the top of the CCS application. You can use it to search an entity detail page with a : Stopover code Cargo Unit code Bill of...
Stopover declaration
Actors Shipping Agents Description Creating/editing/ cancelling stopover Creation rights Shipping Agents Visibility right Shipping Agents, Captaincy, Adminis...
Transport & Gate
- Create a Full container release (IMPORT) transport order
- Create an Empty container acceptance (IMPORT) transport order
- Create an Empty release order (EXPORT) transport order
- Creating a Full Acceptance Order (EXPORT)
- Create an Exit Transport Order (ETO) for bundles
- Complete carrier information on a transport order as the Carrier role