All detailed entity screens in the application are built with a sidebar containing all the entity's statuses. Most of these statuses are represented by abbreviations. Below is an exhaustive list along with their meanings :
Stopover entity
BAR - Berth Authorization Request. After creating a stopover, the shipping agent must submit an authorization request to the harbor master’s office to dock at the port.
COW - Collect Of Weapons. After creating a stopover, the shipping agent can submit a declaration listing the weapons present on their vessel. So that it can be collected by a Police officer upon the vessel's arrival.
Arrival - Arrival declaration of a vessel by the harbor master’s pilot.
Movement - From this status, the harbor master's office can indicate real vessel movements within the port, which will also be visible on the port planning.
Unloaded - Indicates the end of unloading operations declaring a stevedore.
Loaded - Indicates the end of loading operations declaring a stevedore.
ROW - Return Of Weapons. Before leaving the stopover, if the ship's agent in charge of the port of call has collected his weapons (COW), he must apply for their return.
DAR - Departure Authorization Request. Before leaving the stopover, the shipping agent in charge of the stopover must apply to the harbor master's office for authorization to depart the vessel.
Departure - Departure declaration of a vessel by the harbor master’s pilot.
Cancel - Indicates that the stopover is cancelled.
Announce - When a stopover is created by a shipping agent, it automatically obtains this status.
Vessel service
AGV - Agent Validation. After creating a vessel service for a stopover, the shipping agent must validate the final completion of the ship service from this status.
SD - Service Done. When a vessel service is performed, the field operator in charge must indicate it by this status, which will trigger an e-mail notification to the ship's captain so that he can see the details of the service performed.
Agreed - After consulting the details of the vessel’s service performed by the field operator, the shipping agent must give his approval for it to be invoiced to the financial service.
ACV - Account Validation. This status certifies that the vessel service has been approved by the financial service.
Billed - Vessel service invoicing.
Cancel - Indicates that the vessel service is cancelled.
Collect and return of weapons request
Validated - Validation of the weapons collection or return request by a police officer.
WIS - Weapons In Store - Indicates that weapons have been deposited in a store (during the weapons collection process)
WOS - Weapons Out Store - Indicates that the weapons have been removed from the stores and returned to the shipping agent.
Cancel - Indicates that the request of the collect or return of the weapons is cancelled.
Customs - Customs agreement. Means that customs has validated the customs formality (green status) or rejected it (orange status).
DCB - Delegation of Customs Broker. Delegate the clearance of the goods to another customs broker. If needed, the customs broker can delegate the clearance of the goods to another customs broker. This step is optional.
Manifest (import)
UAR - Unloading Authorization Request. Corresponds to the shipping agent's request for authorization to unload a manifest. When the agent makes the request, the status changes to partial (blue) and must wait for customs validation before obtaining unloading authorization (green). Until customs has approved, stevedores are not authorized to unload the manifest. Arrival status from the stopover, is also a condition of unloading authorization.
BL - Bill of Lading (import)
Manifest - Indicates that the BL is attached to a manifest.
FFN - Freight Forwarder Naming. When a BL is created, the shipping agent must name a forwarding company in charge of the BL. Or, the forwarding company can claim this BL by entering its code from the Feight Forwarder Tracking menu. If neither of these two actions is performed, the forwarder cannot access the BL data.
MMR - Manifest modification request. Once the shipping agent has requested authorization to unload his manifest (UAR status) and received customs authorization, if he edits any information on the BL, these modifications will be subject to a customs formality to be validated by customs.
Cargo Unit (import)
Correspond to the unit handled, which may be of the container, bulk, conventional or vehicle type.
Manifest - Indicates that the Cargo Unit is attached to a manifest.
MMR - Manifest modification request. Once the shipping agent has requested authorization to unload his manifest (UAR status) and received customs authorization, if he edits any information on the Cargo Unit, these modifications will be subject to a customs formality to be validated by customs.
ULA - Unit Landed Ashore. This status indicates that the Cargo Unit has been unloaded by a stevedore.
Located - When a Cargo Unit is unloaded from a vessel, it is located on the terminal (green color). The location is indicated in the status details. Once it has left the terminal for delivery to the final recipient, it is no longer located (orange colour).
CCF - Customs Clearance Folder. From this status the custom brokers can create a customs clearance folder et or find the file link from the status details.
GTR - Good To Remove. Corresponds to the customs authorization to exit the Cargo Unit after validation of the associated customs formalities.
MVT - Movement. From this status, the Cargo Unit can be transferred from one location to another within the Terminal.
SOD - State Of Difference. When the Cargo Unit has been unloaded, on the unloading report (Difference Report) the shipping agent must approve the unloading of each Cargo Unit to be able to generate the final manifest. This action is represented by this status.
ETO - Exit Transport Order. Indicates whether a transport order to exit the Terminal to the final recipient has been created.
HEA - Handler's exit agreement. Corresponds to the authorization to exit the Cargo Unit by the handler. This status can be used to prevent a unit from exiting the terminal in case handling fees have not been paid.
GET - Good to Exit Terminal. Corresponds to the exit authorization of the Cargo Unit of the Terminal provided by the system. If the goods have been cleared from customs (CCF and GTR statuses in green), the agent has approved the unloading (SOD status in green), the handler has given exit authorization (green HEA status) and an order of transport has been created (ETO status in green). Then the GET status will display green.
GED - Get Exit Delivery. Declaration of exit of the Cargo Unit from the terminal by a Gate operator.
TGTD - Customs targeting. Customs can lock containers even after the unloading of goods (Import process) to prevent them to exit the terminal. Or they can lock before the load of goods (Export process).
Lock - Lock unloading. At any time, customs can block a Cargo Unit before the unloading.
Health - Locked by health department. For health reasons, the Health Department can block the unloading or the loading of a Cargo Unit.
Environment - Locked by environment department. For environmental issues reasons, the Environment Department can block the unloading or the loading of a Cargo Unit.
UNB - Unbundling. If this status appears in green, this means that an unbundling request for this Cargo Unit has been created.
RTT - Return To Terminal. After delivery of the Cargo Unit to the final recipient. The forwarder can create a transport order to be able to return the container to the terminal.
Transport Order
Agreement - Authorization delivered by the system which corresponds to the exit authorization from the Terminal of the corresponding Cargo Unit (GET status). If the Agreement status is not green, the carrier is not authorized to enter the terminal to collect the goods.
Arrival - Declaration of the arrival of the transporter by a Gate Operator.
Validated - Declaration of the departure of the transporter with the goods by a Gate Operator.
Cancel - Indicates that the vessel service is cancelled.
BL - Bill of Lading (export)
Manifest - Indicates that the BL is attached to a manifest.
LLA - Loading Authorization – Agent. When a BL is created, the shipping agent must name a forwarding company in charge of the BL. Or, the forwarding company can claim this BL by entering its code from the Feight Forwarder Tracking menu. If neither of these two actions is performed, the forwarder cannot access the BL data.
MMR - Manifest modification request. Once the shipping agent has requested authorization to unload his manifest (UAR status) and received customs authorization, if he edits any information on the BL, these modifications will be subject to a customs formality to be validated by customs.
ERO - Empty Release Order (type of transport order). When a shipping agent creates a booking, he makes a reservation for equipment with the handler with precise criteria to be able to transport his goods (ISO code, temperature, etc.). Then, the empty equipment is provided by the handler, the freight forwarder can create a transport order to the final recipient to fill it with goods.
ERE - Empty Release. This status turns green, when a Gate operator declares the departure of the carrier with the equipment en route to the final recipient. At its exit, the gate operator can then identify the Cargo Unit (initially a piece of equipment)
FAO - Full Acceptance Order (type of transport order). When the freight forwarder's customer communicates (outside the system) that the goods are ready to be delivered to the terminal (full container) the forwarder must create a transport order to have a carrier come and deliver the container to the terminal.
FAC - Full Acceptance. This status turns green, when a Gate operator declares the arrival of the carrier with the full container, and the goods are docked at the terminal.
ERO - Empty Release Order. When a shipping agent creates a booking, he makes a reservation for equipment with the handler with precise criteria to be able to transport his goods (ISO code, temperature, etc.). Then, the empty equipment is provided by the handler, the freight forwarder can create a transport order to the final recipient to fill it with goods.
ERE - Empty Release. This status turns green, when a Gate operator declares the departure of the carrier with the equipment en route to the final recipient. At its exit, the gate operator can then identify the Cargo Unit (initially a piece of equipment)
FAO - Full Acceptance Order. When the freight forwarder's customer communicates (outside the system) that the goods are ready to be delivered to the terminal (full container) the forwarder must create a transport order to have a carrier come and deliver the container to the terminal.
FAC - Full Acceptance. This status turns green, when a Gate operator declares the arrival of the carrier with the full container, and the goods are docked at the terminal.
VGM - Verify Gross Mass. When the full container is present at the terminal, the shipping agent must declare the total weight of the Cargo Unit.
Cargo Unit (export)
Correspond to the unit handled, which may be of the container, bulk, conventional or vehicle type. A Cargo Unit with Export traffic can come from a schedule manifest or a booking.
Booking - Indicates that the Cargo Unit is attached to a booking.
FAC - Full Acceptance. A Cargo Unit from Booking was previously an equipment requested by a shipping agent. When a shipping agent creates a booking, he makes a reservation for equipment with the handler with precise criteria to be able to transport his goods (ISO code, temperature, etc.). The handler then delivers the equipment to the forwarder who will then fill it with merchandise and then return it to the terminal. At this stage, the system displays the FAC status.
Located - When a Cargo Unit is located on the terminal (green color), the location is indicated in the status details. Once the Cargo Unit is loaded onto the vessel, it is no longer located (orange colour).
CCF - Customs Clearance Folder. From this status the custom brokers can create a customs clearance folder et or find the file link from the status details.
GTR - Good To Remove. Corresponds to the customs authorization to exit the Cargo Unit after validation of the associated customs formalities.
MVT - Movement. From this status, the Cargo Unit can be transferred from one location to another within the Terminal.
MOS - Modification of a stopover. In the event that a Cargo Unit has been announced on a stopover, the shipping agent can modify the stopover via their user cart. Once the action is done, the MOS status will be green.
HEA - Handler's exit agreement. Corresponds to the authorization to exit the Cargo Unit by the handler. This status can be used to prevent a unit from exiting the terminal in case handling fees have not been paid.
GTL - Good To lood. Corresponds to the loading authorization of the Cargo Unit provided by the system. If the Cargo Unit had the Full Accepter (green FAC status), the goods have been cleared from customs (CCF and GTR statuses in green), the agent has approved the unloading (SOD status in green), and the handler has given exit authorization (green HEA status). Then the GTL status will display green.
LOD - Loaded on board. This status indicates that the Cargo Unit has been loaded by a stevedore.
REC - Reconciliation. If a CargoUnit is announced for a specific stopover but has been mistakenly identified as being on board a vessel calling at a different port than the one originally announced, the shipping agent has the option to merge the information for that CargoUnit using its CargoUnit code. When merging, the CargoUnit is removed from the initially scheduled stopover, and its information is transferred to the stopover where it was ultimately loaded. (Cart action)
SOD - State Of Difference. When the Cargo Unit has been unloaded, on the unloading report (Difference Report) the shipping agent must approve the unloading of each Cargo Unit to be able to generate the final manifest. This action is represented by this status.
MMR - Manifest modification request.
TGTD - Customs targeting. Customs can lock containers even after the loading of goods (Import process) to prevent them to exit the terminal. Or they can lock before the load of goods (Export process).
Lock - Lock loading. At any time, customs can block a Cargo Unit before the unloading.
Health - Locked by health department. For health reasons, the Health Department can block then unloading or the loading of a Cargo Unit.
Environment - Locked by environment department. For environmental issues reasons, the Environment Department can block the unloading or the loading of a Cargo Unit.