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Port planning screen


Harbor’s Master (pilot), Harbor’s Master (tower)


Display of the schedule for the arrival of vessels at the port.

Validating rights


Visibility right

Harbor’s Master (pilot), Harbor’s Master (tower), Harbor’s Master (operator), Shipping Agent, Captaincy, Administrator.

Access the port planning

Click on the Port Planning menu in the Harbor Master’s Office section.

You are on the Port Planning screen.

Description of the port planning screen

On the search area, you can do a quick search filtering by date and after entering the stopover code, click on Search.

You can consult on the planning area, on the horizontal axis the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) and ETD (Estimated Time of Departure) of the vessel appear in grey.

The ATA (Actual Arrival Time) and ATD (Actual Departure Time) of the vessel will turn blue:

A Vessel will only appear after at least one berth request has been validated. Providing quay information and ETA and ETD of the vessel.

On the vertical axis on the left of the screen, there are only the occupied quays appears according to the dates filtered in the header. Under each quay name, is indicated the number of position or bollards include in the quay.

The objective of port planning is to have a view of the slots occupied on a given date when validating the berth request of a new ship.

For the stopover POV00018, this occupies the Mahé Quay quay of line 12, from bollard B0 to B7. The more bollards a stopover occupies, the larger its slot will be in the port planning.

Plan vessel movements

As Harbour Master’s (pilot) or Harbour Master’s (tower), you can edit the movement of a vessel with the Date field and the position.

On the planning area, click on a planned stopover that you want to edit.

TIPS : Depending on the colour, you can distinguish between a planned and an already arrived stopover ! The latter is not as light as the first ones.

A modal will open divided into two section:

Planned occupations section

You can consult the stopover information with the ETA and ETD. They can edit by clicking on Edit button. You also have access to the information of the associated Berth Requests.

To edit the vessel planned arrival movement, click on Edit button.

You can select a new ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) and a Position. Then click on Validate Movement List button.

You can also click on + Add to create a new planned movement in between the ETA and ETD if for any reason your vessel needs to relocate.

Your ship is replanned.

Real movements section

After the declaration of arrival of the vessel, the real movements section will be filed.

When the vessel will arrive, the Real movements section will update with the ATA (Actual Time of arrival) and the real position.

If you want to edit actual movement of a stopover, refer to: Stopover Movements

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