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Create CargoUnit External movement request


Handler, Shipping agent, Claimant, Stevedore, Customs


Create an external terminal movement request.

Visibility rights

Handler, Stevedore, Customs, Shipping Agent, Freight Forwarder, Administrator.

Access detail of CargoUnit

By quick search

To access the detail page of a CargoUnit in one click, in the search bar, enter the code of the desired CargoUnit and press the enter key.

You will be redirected on the detail page of the CargoUnit and click on MVT indicator on the righ of the screen:

By Freight forwarder tracking menu

As a freigh forwarder, to move a CargoUnit, go to the detail of CargoUnit, click on Freight forwarder tracking menu in the Import or Export section :

The list or CargoUnit located in the terminal and assigned to the freight forwarder company is presented, you can filter by stopover. After entering the stopover, click on Search button:

Click on the CargoUnit code that you desire:

You are on the detail page of the CargoUni, click on MVT indicator on the righ on the screen:

Create an internal terminal movement

On the detail page of a Cargouni, you can consult the information, then click on MVT status on the right of the screen:

Click on Create owner movement request button:

You are on the Movement request form divided in four section:

  • Details of a movement request

  • CargoUnits

  • Related files

  • Damages (optional)

For the details of a movement:



Customs office*


Customs broker*

Pre-filled and disabled with the user connected.



Area of departure

Can be pre-filled if the CargoUnit is located.

Area of arrival*

Select the location of the arrival

Reason for movement request *

Select the reason

  • Border Control Station - Live Animals

  • Border Control Station - Animal Products

  • Border Control Station - Non-Anumal Feed

  • Border Control Station - Plants, plant products and other objects

  • Transfer to IST

  • Transfer between IST

  • Dock removal

  • Transfer to terminal

  • Transfer of ownership

  • Stored warehouse handling or sampling or examination prior to customs clearance

  • Request for destruction following placement under IST

  • Request for abandonment to the State following placement

  • Customs control

You can select CargoUnits in addition to the one already selected by clicking on +Add button:

You can attach some documents by clicking on +Add button in the Related files:

You can declare damages in the Damages section by clicking on +Add button:

After completing the mandatory fields, click on Validate button:

The external movement request is created.

The validation of Customs Agreement is automatically approved.

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