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FAL 3 - Export


Shipping Agents


Creating FAL 3.

Creation rights

Shipping Agents

Visibility right

Shipping Agent, Customs, Harbor Master’s (Operation / Pilot / Tower)

Ship’s Store Declaration

The FAL 3 is the Ship’s Store Declaration. Most of the required information comes from the stopover data and from previous FAL forms. The ship’s store article are then added manually.

General info form




Stopover code. You can click on the link to access to the detail of the stopover.

Vessel Name

The vessel of the stopover, the FAL is attached to. You can click on the link to access to the detail of the vessel.

IMO number

Disabled and pre-filed by the vessel data.

Call sign

Disabled and pre-filed by the vessel data.

Port of departure

Disabled and pre-filed by the stopover data.

Date of departure

Disabled and pre-filed by the stopover data.

Next port off call

Disabled and pre-filed by the maritime route data.

Number of persons on board

Disabled and pre-filed with the FAL 5 and 6 data.

Period of stay

Disabled and pre-filed by the stopover data.

Articles form

Click on +Add.

You can enter the list of articles present in the ship.



Article name

Name of good.


Quantity of article.

Location on board

Location of the article on a board.

Official use

Description quickly of the use.

Click on Validate.

TIPS : You can also upload directly this information using the following csv format file.

Click on Import icon.

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