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Validation of a CargoUnit External movement request




An external movement request was created by Shipping agent, Claimant, Handler, Stevedore or customs.

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Customs, Shipping Agent, Claimant, Handler, Stevedore and Administrator?

Validate a CargoUnit External movement request

Click on Formalities and requests menu in Customs section:

You can consult all types of formalities and requests, click on the Owner Movement request section.

In the Owner Movement request section, the list of declaration displays. You can do a quick search by filtering with date of the request, type of traffic, code, and customs status.

Click on the corresponding declaration number.

You can consult the information of the movement request, click on Customs status on the right of the screen.

Click on Accept/Cancel formality button.

You can add an optional comment, then click on Accept button.

The Customs status has changed to green. The movement request is validate.

The MVT status of the CargoUnit detail page has turn green:

You can consult the history of the status:

Reject a CargoUnit External movement request

Click on Formalities and requests menu in Customs section:

You can consult all types of formalities and requests, click on the Owner Movement request section:

In the Owner Movement request section, the list of declaration displays. You can do a quick search by filtering with date of the request, type of traffic, code, and customs status.

Click on the corresponding declaration number.

You can consult the information of the movement request, click on Customs status on the right of the screen.

Click on Accept/Cancel formality button.

You can add an optional comment to give the reasons, then click on Cancel button.

The Customs status has changes from green to orange. The movement request is rejected.

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