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Complete carrier information on a transport order as the Carrier role




As a Carrier, when your transport company is assigned to a transport order created by a Claimant, you have the option to complete the transporter’s information if it has not been filled in. This will allow you to download the mission order PDF, which must be presented at the terminal gate to collect the goods.

In the transport order process, the Carrier role intervenes in PVMIS:

  • To complete the carrier’s information if it has not been filled in by the Claimant

  • To download the mission order PDF, which must be presented at the terminal gate.

Filling in the carrier’s information on a transport order is a prerequisite for the authorization to release goods or enter empty containers. If the Claimant or Carrier has not completed this information, the transport order remains invalid (Agreement status), and the mission order PDF cannot be generated. Without it, the Gate Operator will deny the transporter entry into the terminal.

On PVMIS, there are several types of transport orders:

  1. Full container release (IMPORT) – Refers to a transport mission aimed at delivering cargo unit(s) or a bundle(s) that has been unloaded from the terminal to its final recipient or the freight forwarder responsible for the goods.

  2. Empty Container Acceptance (IMPORT) - Concerns the management of the return of an empty container to the terminal after being used for an import shipment and retrieved from a freight forwarder.

  3. Empty Container Release (EXPORT) - This type is generated after the creation of a Booking. This order allows for an equipment request (empty container) to be made to the handler so that it can be delivered to the forwarder or their client to be filled with goods.

  4. Full Container Acceptance (EXPORT) - This type is generated by a requesting forwarder to deliver the full container to the terminal, in preparation for its loading onto a vessel call.

  • In PVMIS, a Cargo Unit refers to a defined unit of goods being transported or handled in the system. It can represent various forms of cargo, such as a container, conventional, bulk or vehicle, depending on the type of transport.

  • In PVMIS, a Bundle refers to a lot that comes from a Cargo Unit that has been degrouped. This means that the goods originally contained in a Cargo Unit have been divided into several smaller lots and extracted from the container. These lots are then delivered to different final customers. Essentially, a Bundle represents a portion or subset of a Cargo Unit that has been separated for individual distribution, allowing the goods to be handled and delivered separately according to customer or destination requirements.

  • On PVMIS, Equipment refers to an order for an empty container that has specific recommendations, such as being refrigerated, intended for transporting food, or meeting an ISO standard, etc. Since the container is not yet defined and no specific container code is assigned at this stage, it is not considered a Cargo Unit. This is because it has not yet been selected to exit the terminal and be delivered to the forwarder or customer, making it an undefined entity until further action is taken.

    In summary, the equipment represents an empty container order with special requirements, but it is not treated as a Cargo Unit until a specific container is assigned and ready for dispatch.

Notification mail

When a Claimant creates a transport order (regardless of the type) and selects Carrier withdrawal, they specify the transport company responsible for transporting the goods. Following this, an email notification is sent to all users with the Carrier role associated with the company in PVMIS.

By clicking on the Go to PVMIS button, the user will be redirected to the application.

Tip: Copy the transport order code displayed in the email subject (e.g., "TRP00106"), click the Go to PVMIS button to access the application, log in, then paste the code into the search bar at the top of your screen and press Enter to go directly to the transport order details screen.

Access the edit form of a transport order from the list of transport order

Connected as a Carrier role, from the Home page, click on “Transport orders” menu in Terminal Park section.

The user is redirected to the transport order list screen. The screen displays only the list of transport orders where the carrier company of the connected Carrier is named.

In the header, it’s possible to do a quick search by :

  • Code of transport order

  • Type of transport order (Empty container release (EXPORT), Full container acceptance (EXPORT), Full container release (IMPORT), Empty container acceptance (IMPORT)).

  • Date of the creation of the transport order

  • Freight forwarding company that created the transport order - Claimant : Allows filtering the list by freight forwarding company.

  • Status of the transport (Agreement ; Arrival ; Departure) and for each status select the state (No, No activated, Yes). By default, the status filters are configured to display the list of transport orders that are not yet validated (Agreement status not in YES) and require the carrier's information to be completed.

In the results table, the following columns are displayed:

  • Code, which corresponds to the transport order number generated by the system upon creation (when clicking the link, the user will be redirected to the transport order details screen).

  • Type of transport order

  • Carrier, which corresponds to the name of your transport company.

  • Driver name

  • Cabin license plate / License plate of the driver

  • Action : In this column, action buttons can be displayed. When logged in as a Carrier, if the carrier's information (Driver code, Driver name, Cabin license plate) has not been filled in, the Complete button will be shown. By clicking this button, the user will be redirected to the transport order editing form to complete the information. This action can also be performed by the Claimant who created the transport order if they already know the information, but nothing prevents them from modifying it as well.

Select an incomplete transport order and click on the Complete button:

You will be redirected to the carrier transport order editing form. As a Carrier, you can only modify the information in the Information about the person coming to the gate section.

Access the edit form of a transport order from the detail of a transport order

Connected as a Carrier role, from the Home page, click on “Transport orders” menu in Terminal Park section to access the list of transport orders.

On the list screen, in the "Code" column, click on the link of a transport order where the Agreement, Arrival, and Departure statuses are not in YES, or where the Complete button is displayed on the associated line.

The user will be redirected to the transport order details screen. They will notice that the transport order is not validated (Agreement status), and they will not be able to download the mission order PDF (Download transport order button will be disabled). Finally, in the "Information about the person coming to the gate" section, "!" icons will be displayed on the Driver code, Driver name, and Cabin license plate fields if they have not been completed by the Claimant.

If the Claimant has not provided the carrier's information Driver code, Driver name, and Cabin license plate field, it is then the Carrier's responsibility to complete this information in order to obtain the mission order PDF to present at the gate and validate the mission (Agreement status in YES). Without this completion action, the goods will not be allowed to leave the terminal.

As a Carrier, you can access the detail screen of a Cargo Unit to get information about the type of units being handled for transport (container, vehicle, breakbulk, bulk) in order to choose the appropriate type of transport.

This information will also be displayed on the mission order PDF, but as long as the mission order is not validated, you cannot download the PDF. Therefore, the only way to access this information is from the Cargo Unit detail screen.

Click on the link of a Cargo Unit:

As mentioned above, as a carrier, you can only view information related to the Cargo Unit. For confidentiality reasons, contractual information (Bill of Lading, associated scheduled manifest) is neither displayed nor accessible.

Complete carrier’s information on a transport order

Once the arrival declaration is made on a transport order, either by the claimant or the carrier, it is no longer possible to modify the transport order.

After accessing the transport order editing form, as the Carrier named on the transport order, only the Information about the person coming to the gate is editable.

To save your changes as a Carrier, it is mandatory to complete the required fields: Driver code, Driver name and Cabin license plate. If all three fields are not completed, the Validate button will remain disabled.

After completing the required fields, click on the Validate button.

The user is redirected to the transport order details screen. The transport order is validated (Agreement status in YES), and you can download the mission order PDF.

Note that despite completing the carrier's information on the transport order, the Agreement status may not change to YES because the goods included may not have met all the prerequisites to be authorized to leave the terminal (customs clearance, handling authorization, for example). This is outside your scope of action as a Carrier but falls under the responsibility of other roles. However, this completion is also part of the prerequisites for the goods' authorization to leave the terminal.

Download a PDF transport order

The mission order PDF is a unique document. In the case of managing partial exits or entries of Cargo Units, the document presented at the gate must be the same for each round trip of Cargo Unit exit or empty container entry.

The management of partial exits and entries of Cargo Units in the terminal in PVMIS refers to the handling of movements Cargo units or equipment that are not fully exited or entered from a terminal at once. This concerns situations where only a part of the Cargo unit or empty container is removed or returned to the terminal, while keeping the remaining portion in the terminal.

There are different types of partial entry or exit management, which are handled by the Gate operator role during the arrival (Arrival status) or departure (Departure status) declaration, depending on the type of transport order :

  • For a transport order of the type Full Container Acceptance (IMPORT) for a single Cargo Unit, on the departure declaration form, the Gate Operator can indicate that only 10 out of 100 packages have been exited from the terminal.

  • For a transport order of the type Full Container Acceptance (IMPORT) for multiple Cargo Units, on the departure declaration form, the Gate Operator can indicate that only 1 out of 3 Cargo Units has exited the terminal. They can also indicate the partial exit of packages from the Cargo Units.

  • For a transport order of the type Full Container Acceptance (IMPORT) for multiple bundles, on the departure declaration form, the Gate Operator can indicate that only 1 out of 3 bundles has exited the terminal.

  • For a transport order of the type Empty Container Acceptance (IMPORT) for multiple empty containers, on the arrival declaration form, the Gate Operator can indicate that only 1 out of 3 empty containers has been returned to the terminal.

  • For a transport order of the type Empty Container Release (EXPORT) for multiple empty units (containers), on the departure declaration form, the Gate Operator can indicate that only 1 out of 3 units has exited the terminal.

  • For a transport order of the type Full Container Acceptance (EXPORT) for multiple full Cargo Units, on the arrival declaration form, the Gate Operator can indicate that only 1 out of 3 Cargo Units has entered the terminal.

After obtaining the validity of the transport order following the completion of the carrier's information (and if the goods have met all their exit authorization prerequisites), click on the Download transport order button.

The transport order is automatically downloaded in PDF format. Check your downloads to open the file.

If your transport order includes multiple Cargo Units, there will be a page for each Cargo Unit with the relevant information for each one.

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