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Support - Filter your searches

The User and Agent can access a search box on their requests to filter them according to different criteria.

  • Click on the filter button to display the filters.

  • The search for a request can be filtered by : Request number, Priority, Status, ...

  • Explanation of the different statuses :

    • Created: the request has been created by the user and is not awaiting a response from the customer, either because it has been closed or because it has not yet been processed;

    • In progress: the request is being processed by an assistant;

    • Waiting for customer: the request has been processed by an assistant, who is waiting for a response from the customer;

    • Closed: the request has been processed and is not awaiting a response from the customer.

  • To filter on a word or phrase, use the search bar.

What’s next ?

Now you can read the following section: Support - Add users to a request

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