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Export part

The transshipment step of a CargoUnit is triggered when customs validates the transshipment request.

To sum up, to transship a CargoUnit you must first go through these steps:

STEP 1 : After creation of a stopover, on Import process, integrate CargoUnits of the Transshipment traffic type in a scheduled manifest

STEP 2 : Shipping agent authorize the unloading

STEP 3 : Stevedore performs unloading operations

Confirm the Unit Landed Ashore (ULA indicator)

STEP 4 : Shipping agent accept the difference report and generate final manifest

STEP 5 : Shipping agent create Customs Clearance Folder

Creating a Customs Clearance Folder (CCF indicator)

STEP 6 : Shipping create Transshipment Request

Create a Transshipment request

STEP : Customs agreement of a Transshipment request

Validation or Rejection of a Transshipment request

Start export process

When a CargoUnit obtain customs agreement for the transshipment request:

  • It is integrated in a Booking in the loading stopover entered in the transshipment request

  • The transshipment request allows it to have its export customs clearance (GTR indicator)

  • The CargoUnit is located in the terminal (LOC indicator)

  • The CargoUnit is allowed to be loaded (FAC and GTL indicator)

If you click on FAC (Full Acceptance) status on the right of the screen:

In the detail of the FAC status you have two information:

  • The link of the Booking which it was integrated

  • The link of the stopover which it will load

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