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Creating a Customs Clearance Folder (CCF indicator)


Shipping agent


Create a Customs Clearance

Create a folder

To create a custom folder, click on Folder menu in the Transshipment section:

The list of folders is presented, click on +Create Folder button:

The folder form display, is segmented into two sections :

  • Folder details

  • CargoUnits

Folder details

Below here is the list of fields:




Name of company. The fields are disabled and pre-filled based on the connected customer brokers.

Internal reference

Type of traffic

Disabled and pre-filed.

Name of the client

Internal client folder reference


CargoUnits section

Add Cargo units to include in the folder by clicking +Add button:

This action gives access to the list of CargoUnits. From there, you can search for the specific CargoUnit you want by using the search bar. You can enter the CargoUnit Code, select the Type of traffic, and input the number of Stopover (mandatory field). After filling in this information, click on the "Search" button.

When you finish completing the form, click on Validate button:

The folder is created

You can process the Transhipment request.

Edit a folder

On the folder detail, click on the “Edit” button to access the folder modification screen.

Edit the fields and click on Validate button to update the folder:

The folder is updated.


Delete a folder

On the folder detail, click on the “Edit” button to access the folder modification screen.

Click on Delete button:

The folder is deleted.

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