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Create a Transshipment request


Shipping agent


Create a transshipment request

After creating the Folder, for Transshipment process you need to create a Transshipment request.

You must first create the stopover on which your transshipment type CargoUnit will be loaded.

Create a transshipment request

Click on the Folders menu in the Transshipment section:

The list of Customs Clearance Folders is displayed. Click on your folder number:

Details concerning your folder are displayed. In the Customs formalities part, the “Transshipment request” tab is displayed. Click on the +Add button:

The form allowing the creation of a transshipment request is displayed. It is divided in three parts:

  • Details of a transshipment

  • CargoUnits

  • Related files section

Details of a transshipment section

Populate at least all the mandatories fields:




Number of folder

Number of packages*

Complete the total number of packages


Complete the total weight (kg)


Select the type between Standard and Bunkering.

Customs office (customs)*


Customs office (movement)*


Loading stopover*

Complete the number of the stopover corresponding.

Port of loading*


Port of unloading*

Port of unloading goods


Pre-filed and disabled by the connected user


Add a comment

CargoUnits section

The table is pre-filed by the information from the folder, you add more CargoUnit by clicking on +Add button or delete CargoUnint from list by clicking on trash icon:

Related files section

You can attach some document to obtain customs agreement for you request, by clicking on +Add button:

When you finish entering all mandatories fields, click on Validate button:

Your transshipment request is done. Now this request must be approved by Customs.

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