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Creating or updating bookings (via CCS user interface)


Shipping Agents


Creating or updating bookings for a stopover

Creation of a booking

Access to the booking creation form

To announce a booking for a stopover, click on “Bookings” menu in the Export section:

A list of all bookings falling within the specified date range is presented. Click on +Create Booking button:

Booking creation form

Upon clicking the +Create Booking button, you will be directed to the Export > Bookings page. To confirm the creation of your Booking, you must fill out the form, which is divided into two sections:

  • Booking details

  • Third party

Booking detail

This is the list of fields to be completed:




Booking’s code


Two ways:

  • By filling in directly into the field, the right stopover

  • By clicking on the eye displayed at the end of the field, you are able to display all the stopovers available for a specific date range. Then, select the desired stopover.

Shipping agent*

Disabled and pre-filed, this is the connected agent.

Freight forwarder*

Select the freight forwarder.

Port of loading*

Pre-filled automatically, but can be edited.

Port of transshipment

Optional. Two ways:

  • By filling in directly into the field, the right port of unloading code.

  • By clicking on the eye displayed at the end of the field, you are able to search for a Port code by populating:

    • The quick search field (a search can be launched if at least 4 characters have been filled in)

    • The country code

    • Select the desired port of transshipment

Port of unloading*

Two ways:

  • By filling in directly into the field, the right port of unloading code.

  • By clicking on the eye displayed at the end of the field, you are able to search for a Port code by populating:

    • The quick search field (a search can be launched if at least 4 characters have been filled in)

    • The country code

    • Select the desired port of unloading

Final destination*

Two ways:

  • By filling in directly into the field, the right port of unloading code.

  • By clicking on the eye displayed at the end of the field, you are able to search for a Port code by populating:

    • The quick search field (a search can be launched if at least 4 characters have been filled in)

    • The country code

    • Select the desired port of destination


Open text. Optional.

Descriptions of the goods*

Open text.

Third-party section

In the third party section, the sender and consignee fields are mandatory.

In optional, you can add a freight forwarder and actual recipient.

You can delete a third-party line by the icon trash.

Once this mandatory information is populated, click on Validate button:

You announced that a booking is asked. Now, you have to add some equipment.

Add equipment into your booking

To add equipment into your booking, click on “Bookings” menu in the Export section:

From the list, select the desired booking’s code:

You can see the details of the booking. To add equipment for this booking, click on the + button:

You are on the equipment creation form. There is just one mandatory field: Code of equipment. The others are optional. The form is divided in four section:

  • Equipment creation

  • Temperature

  • Outsize

  • Options

Equipment creation

This is the list of fields:




Code number of the equipment

Requested container

Suggested a specific CargoUnit


Code number of the CargoUnit


ISO Container

Tare (kg)

Tare of the equipment

Nb packages

Number of packages

Gross weight (kg)


Net weight



Select the type of the container


Select the sealed number


Select the type of packaging.

Temperature section




Average temperature


Minimum temperature


Maximum temperature


Select the unit : Celsius / Fahrenheit




Outside Front

Outside Back

Outside Right

Outside Top




Shipped owned container (SOC)

Switch off by default


Switch off by default


Switch on by default

Complete as much information as possible and click on Validate button:

Your equipment is now added into your booking.

You can edit it by clicking on the pencil button and/or you can add another equipment by clicking on the “+” button:

The cycle of equipment will experience several states:

  • ERO (Empty Release Order) ; After creation of the booking with equipment, the freight forwarder (claimant) create a transport order for an empty equipment.

  • ERE (Empty Release) ; When the gate operator declare the departure of the transporter with the equipment, he announces the code of cargo unit that the carrier took away.

  • FAO (Full Acceptance Order) ; The freight forwarder requests authorization to come with the loaded container. PVMIS provides a document allowing the carrier to enter the terminal.

  • FAC (Full Acceptance) ; The CargoUnit is announced in the terminal with the merchandise by the gate operator.

  • VGM (Verify Gross Max) ; The claimant provide all the information about his equipment.

  • GTL (Good to Load) ; When the CargoUnit obtain FAC (Full Acceptance) status, GTR (Good to Remove) status by the customs, HEA (Handler Agreement Status), the equipment can be load by stevedore.

Edit booking

To edit booking, click on “Bookings” menu in the Export section:

From the list, select the desired booking’s code:

You can see the details of the booking. To edit the booking, click on the Edit button:

You are redirected on the edit page of the booking, don’t forget to click on Validate button to save your changes:

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