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Creating or updating bookings (via EDI exchange)


Shipping Agents


Creating or updating bookings for a stopover

CCS automatically integrates the agent’s bookings.

The most common reason why a booking is not present are:

  • The stopover number is not included

  • Freight forwarder’s identification code on the booking is not understood by the CCS

  • Your IT department has not transmitted the booking

Stopover number is not included

For some shipping agent systems, it may not be possible to use the CCS unique call identifier (starting with POV and followed by a number)

It is first necessary to go to the stopover details to add the identification code of your system (code that your IT department will indicate when sending the booking):

Freight forwarder’s identification code on the goods is not understood by the CCS

Contact the CCS team to set up a technical match between a freight forwarder code in your system and the CCS system.

Your IT department has not transmitted the booking

In case of a blockage, you can always add the booking manually: Creating or updating bookings (via CCS user interface)

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